
Vedanta is an universal vision of life to be found in the ancient scriptures like the Upanishads. These last portions of the Indian Vedas are dialogues between an illumined Master and a student who wants to know about the essence of life.
We are looking in vain for lasting happiness in a world which is constantly changing, whereas happiness is the nature of our true being. We are happiness itself but because of ignorance of this fact we are looking for happiness in the world. This ignorance is because of our tendency to identify ourselves with that what we are not, for example our thoughts. If our thoughts are dark, we are dark. If they are sunny then we feel good. Vedanta makes us understand that we are not our thoughts but the Consciousness in which light these thoughts are dancing. Pure Consciousness is perfect, changeless, all-pervading and eternal. That is what we are, our true nature, our true Self.
Most sciences have something objective as the theme. Vedanta is studying the subject. Through objectively looking at the subject we develop self-knowledge.
Vedanta is not only analysing the waking and the dream state but also the dreamless deep sleep state to come finally to their common substratum pure Consciousness. Vedanta gives roads to develop every psychological nature, like emotional, intellectual and action-orientated.
Vedanta indicates freedom and gives the way to liberation, a salvation we can experience in this life, here and now.